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Friday, 22 February 2013

Things I love Friday #04

Buon giorno! Questa settimana potrebbe portare delle novità nella mia vita ma per ora non vi dico nulla, non voglio portarmi sfortuna, spero solo che vada tutto bene, incrociate le dita per me!!!
Ma non voglio annoiarvi e passiamo ai miei preferiti di questa settimana.
Good morning! This week could bring changes in my life, but for the moment I do not say anything, I would not jinx, I just hope that everything goes well, please keep your fingers crossed for me!!!
But I will not bore you and move on to my favorite of this week.

via Tumblr - I think it is a really cute DIY idea

via Rupert Fawcett - I really love this comic, my doggies do the same things!

via The Dainty Squid - I love this outfit to the madness! 
It has such beautiful colors that remind me of the autumn and Kaylah is so cute.

via Modcloth - my first Modcloth dress, I looooove it so much! I can't wait I so excited

via quift etsy shop - someone give me this ring!

Volevo anche dirvi che sto lavorando alla grafica del blog, entro domani ci saranno dei cambiamenti!
I also wanted to tell you that I'm working on the graphics of the blog, by tomorrow there will be changes!


  1. So many pretty things! I'd love some tights with little bows on them like those ones :)

  2. these stuff are so amazng *_* yay !!!

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