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Saturday, 23 February 2013

Outfit: bon ton girl

In questi giorni fa freddissimo e uscire di casa tra neve e pioggia è difficile.
Oggi ho scelto di indossare una gonna comprata tanti anni fa da HM quando ancora andavo all' accademia di belle arti a Venezia, tiene molto caldo ed ha una fantasia che mi piace molto.
In these days is so cold it rains and snows leaving home is difficult.
Today I chose this skirt bought years ago from HM when I was studying at 'Academy of Fine Arts in Venice, it takes very warmer and I really like the pattern.

Anche le scarpe mi ricordano bei momenti, le ho comprate infatti a Londra con il mio ragazzo in un piccolo negozio tutto colorato (qui c'è la foto del negozio) è stato un bel viaggio.
The shoes remind me of good times, I bought it in London with my boyfriend in a little colorful shop (here you can see the shop pic) it was a it was a nice trip.

hat: offbrand
shirt: offbrand
skirt: HM
cardigan: tally weijl
tights: calzedonia
shoes: underground
bag: carpisa

Vi auguro un buon fine settimana!

Have a nice week end!


  1. mi hai fatto venir voglia di confezionare delle salopettes!!!!!!! molto bello l'outfit, e la borsa è da 10!!!!!

  2. bellissimo outfit!i colori, lo stile, la linea... mi piace tutto!!

  3. Uauuu!!!! Really love this outfit!!!

    I'm following you!!!


    PD: I will be so happy if you would take a look to my blog ;)

  4. cute skirt and bag dear! you look gorgeous! xx

    Letters To Juliet

  5. I love jumpers and that one is too cute! They're so much fun cause you can wear them so many different ways! I love it!! :)

  6. Lovely look, I like it:) would You like to follow?:) xx A.



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