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Saturday, 19 January 2013

Outfit: Lilac and zebra inspire me

Quando ho comprato questo abito l' ho fatto più per il suo colore,è un vestito vintage degli anni 70 molto lungo (click per vedere come era)e a causa della mia bassa statura (si lo ammetto sono nana!) sembravo ancora più bassa, così l' ho fatto accorciare e l' ho voluto abbinare al colleto zebrato che ho appena finito di cucire, che ne pensate?

 When I bought this dress I did it because I loved the color, it a vintage70's dress very long (click to see how it was)and because of my short stature (yes I admit I'm a midget!)I looked even lower, so I did it shorten and I wanted combine it with the detachable collar I just finished sewind, what do you think?

dress: vintage
cardigan: tally weijl
tights: offbrand
shoes: secret shop
detachable collar & belt: handmade
bag: a birthday gift
jacket: offbrand


  1. Hello! This outfit is so cute. Lilac is one of my absolute favourite colours and I adore your faux collar. Overall your blog is lovely and your style is great :D


    1. Thank you dear for your comment!I visited your blog too and I really love it!



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